Thursday, May 3, 2012

What to do with leftover dessert cups...

I love the dessert cups they sell for strawberry shortcake, but it seems we always run out of strawberries before we finish the cakes.  This past weekend, I took our leftover dessert cups and make sorbet sandwiches out of them for Celia and Charlie.  They were beautiful and delightfully tasty and messy: a perfect dessert combination!  This would work even if your cakes are a little stale!  You can make them ahead and freeze them for a party or a children's play date.

Sorbet Sandwiches
Dessert Cups
Sorbet or Ice Cream

Scoop one big ball of sorbet or ice cream into the center of the dessert cup.  Place other dessert cup on top.  Cut through the middle to make two ice cream sandwiches.  We sprinkled sprinkles on top to make them even fancier :) Enjoy!

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